UX and UI design have a huge impact on the overall success of today’s digital products. In this very hectic and fast-changing world, you have a really little window to impress your potential customers. If you provide an experience, which fails in some way, the user will leave after several seconds, and the business fails too early. The following list represents the most common mistakes I see within today’s interfaces from a design perspective.
Messy Navigation
Navigation represents one of the critical aspects for the precise and fast completion of users’ tasks. Make sure you don’t combine too many navigations and don’t repeat the destinations. A common mistake is using two primary navigations, usually bottom navigation and hamburger menu. You should strictly go with just one. If using bottom navigation, ensure that there are a maximum of 5 primary destinations. If needed, you can put the “More” destination at the end, opening additional not-that-important pages.

You should use a consistent design of components included within a single interface! Definitely, it helps to follow this rule to create its own design systems composed of master components in Figma.

Number of typefaces
Make sure you don’t combine more than two typefaces within a single interface. Nowadays, designers choose typefaces from the sans-serif family for most user interfaces. Of course, you should scale the typeface to multiple fonts with differing sizes and weights of the type. On the other hand, less is sometimes more, so make sure you add a new typeface only when there is a particular purpose, for example, to improve the readability of long texts.

Unresponsive interface
If you want to provide a successful digital product nowadays, it has to be responsive. Mobile devices belong to the daily activities of most internet users, so your product should be flexible in this way. Within the human-centered design approach, you should make decisions based on user research, so there might be groups of users and scenarios where a desktop device is the only relevant device for target users, but those are really rare situations.

Requiring Sign Up
E-commerce is a huge discipline where every button, requirement, wording, etc., might significantly impact the overall success. If you allow purchases without requiring registration, you can boost sales in a considerable way! A bright example is ASOS allowing you to checkout without registration. If your goal is to grow the number of registered users, you can provide some special gift or sale for signing up, but don’t make it required.

Too many animations
Animations can make the interface much more visually attractive, but make sure that animations are fast enough and there are not so many various motions disturbing the overall user experience.

Ignoring feedback
Working with constructive feedback is one of the most essential skills of UX designers. Use feedback from your users to push the design forward and seek the mistakes in the current design!